Paying Too Much?

Is your management contract with your current association management company expiring soon?  Before signing another multi-year contract and locking in your future expenses for the long-term, it may be time to request a proposal from other association management companies.

If you have been with your current association management company for an extended period of time, chances are you don’t know whether or not they are offering competitive pricing.  Have you compared their rates to other association management companies to know if you are overpaying for their services? If not, now is the time to make sure you aren’t being taken advantage of.  Even if you are content with the services provided, alternative proposals can strengthen your negotiating position if deciding to renew with your current management company.

Not only will contacting other association management companies allow you to compare pricing but it will also allow you to compare the services provided.  You may find that other association management companies can provide new ideas to jump start inactive members or offer new strategies to increase a static membership base.

If you are interested in comparing management fees or have questions about association management services, call Greydan Communications at 1-888-525-8810 or send us an email to discuss your association’s needs and to request a proposal.